On Wednesday morning at 10:15 AM during the 2010 PASS Summit next week I'm presenting "Getting Started In Blogging And Technical Speaking" and this is your invitation to come join me.

What's this session all about?
Are you thinking of starting a blog? Or are you interested in presenting at events like SQL Saturday and the PASS Summit but not sure how to get in the game? Don’t let uncertainty keep you from contributing – the SQL Server community needs you! This interactive session will explore reasons for blogging and speaking and offer advice on topic selection, improving writing and speaking skills, seeking out places to write and speak, and things to (and not to) do to once you get started.

Experienced bloggers and speakers - I need your help
One of the things that makes the Summit so awesome is the people who are there. There's no better place to catch so many bloggers and speakers in the SQL world at the same time. Now think back to when you first considered writing a blog or submitting an abstract for a presentation. How valuable would it have been to sit in a room for 75 minutes and pick the brains of well known bloggers and speakers? Here's your chance to give back to the SQL community and provide that opportunity to someone who is in the same position as you were a few years ago.

If you've been blogging consistently for at least one year or have presented at 5 or more events you are invited to join my session as a "guest expert". I want you to sit at the front of the room and help answer questions panel-style. I've done this session at three SQLSaturdays and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I can promise you that at least one person in the room will find what you have to say extraordinarily valuable. Maybe that one person is the next you. Wouldn't it feel great knowing that you may have opened the door to someone's success just by sharing your experience?

Why should you attend?
There are a lot of great sessions in the same time slot. How can I blame you if you choose to go see Andy Leonard (Blog | Twitter) talk SSIS, Grant Fritchey (Blog | Twitter) explain DMVs, or Conor Cunningham (Blog) explain how the query optimizer builds plans? But here's why my session is different: You can watch all those other sessions on the DVDs (you are buying the DVDs right?) and the experience won't be much different than if you were there in person. While you can ask questions most of the content is prepared well in advance. My session is fluid and dynamic. It's an interactive discussion. I have a few talking points but who knows where we'll go in that 75 minutes? You won't be able to get the same caliber of people together in a room again. This is a one time opportunity to learn from the best, and I hope that you take advantage of it.

You could win one of these booksI can haz swag!
Still not convinced that you should come to this session? I have things to give away! Two books, specifically:

Big deal, you can just order them for yourself right? Sure, except there's something special about these - I am asking all of the bloggers and speakers that I run into at the Summit to sign both of them, making them one of a kind giveaways you can't get anywhere else.


If you are thinking about starting a blog or submitting your first abstract, or if you've just gotten into the game, I hope that you decide to come to my session. If you are an experienced blogger\speaker and can commit to being on my panel please contact me and let me know that you're coming by leaving a comment, emailing me (kendal dot vandyke at gmail dot com), or getting in touch with me on Twitter (@SQLDBA).

About Kendal

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Kendal is a database strategist, community advocate, public speaker, and blogger. A practiced IT professional with over 15 years of SQL Server experience, Kendal excels at disaster recovery, high availability planning/implementation, & debugging/troubleshooting mission critical SQL Server environments. Kendal is a Senior Consultant on the Microsoft Premier Developer Support team and President of MagicPASS, the Orlando, FL based chapter of PASS. Before joining Microsoft, Kendal was a SQL Server/Data Platform MVP from 2011-2016.